A High Frequency Mathematical Model for Potential Transformer Based on the Scattering Parameter 基于散射参数的电压互感器高频数学模型
In order to calculate the coulomb potential scattering, the path integral is investiged in momentum space. 在合理的近似下,通过在动量表象中计算路径积分,较为方便地求出了库仑散射的相移表达式。
Theoretical study of the interaction potential and the differential scattering cross sections for~ 3He (~ 4He)-H_2 system ~3He(~4He)-H2碰撞体系的相互作用势及微分散射截面的理论研究
Executive force scattering parameter the study of two-nucleon potential in nuclei by means of inelastic scattering 用高能核子非弹性散射研究核力有效势
This paper describes new research of the nucleon-nucleon optical model potential and application in electron-atom scattering. The application on the nuclear data and optical model are also involved. 叙述了核子核子的光学模型势的研究进展及其在电子原子散射中的应用,同时还涉及到核数据及光学模型的应用。
The effect of the potential energy surfaces of the scattering cross section for He-N_2 He-N2势能表面对散射截面的影响
Improve the MoM model based on potential integral equations for accurately computing electromagnetic scattering by inhomogenous dielectric cylinder. 以混合位积分方程组为基础,首次采用三角形离散方案结合插值基函数,建立计算介质柱体散射的矩量法模型。
The Local Exchange Potential for Low-energy Electron Scattering(ⅰ)& Electron Scattering from He, Ne and Ar Atoms 低能电子散射中的定域交换势(I)电子被He,Ne和Ar原子的散射
Analysis of the Introducing of the Coulomb Dressed Potential in Atom Scattering 库仑修饰势在原子散射中的引用分析
The asymptotic behaviour of the S-matrix element in highly singular potential scattering for large imaginary values of angular momentum 高度奇异位势S矩阵元在角动量变数λ的虚部趋于无穷大时的渐近行为
The Study of the Effective Potential in the Scattering ofa Charged Particle by a Coulombic Complex Atom 带电粒子与库仑复合原子碰撞中有效势的研究
He-Ne Interatomic Potential from Inversion Scattering Theory 反散射理论导出He-Ne相互作用势
Calculation of the potential energy curves for the PbO molecular states the calculat/ ono of potential scattering in Regge representation PbO分子相互作用势的计算势散射莱格表示计算
It is shown that the rotational excitation cross sections are sensitive to the directionality of potential surface and scattering angle. 研究表明:转动激发截面对势能表面的方向性和散射角都非常敏感。
The aiding behavior of hexametaphosphate ( hexa) during ultrafine grinding of talc with stirred mill is studied through analysis of ζ potential, pulp viscosity, XPS and scattering rate in the paper. 通过粉体ζ电位、矿浆粘度测定及光电子能谱(XPS)和分散率分析,研究了搅拌磨超细粉碎滑石粉过程中助磨剂的助磨行为。
In this paper the potential for measurement of water Brillouin scattering with heterodyne lidar is studied. 该文分析外差激光雷达测量水体布里渊散射的可行性。
The acoustic phonon deformation potential scattering, polar optical phonon scattering, intervalley phonon deformation scattering, ionized impurity scattering and neutral impurity scattering are considered. 在模拟中考虑了对其输运过程有着重要影响的声学声子形变势散射、极化光学声子散射、谷间声子散射、电离杂质散射以及中性杂质散射。
The potential scattering solution in this medium is successfully obtained in terms of the phase-shift analysis. 在这种介体中用相移分析法能成功地得到散射解。
In this paper, we take Regge theory as a basis to carry out a research on the possibility of analytic continuation. In combination with potential scattering, we discuss some questions in QCD. 本文以菜格理论为基础,研究散射域解析扩大的可能性,结合势散射情况,对QCD中一些问题,进行讨论。
Expectation for Technology Potential of Seismic Wave Reverse Scattering Image 地震波逆散射成像技术潜力展望
However the electron Hall mobility is controlled by intervalley phonon deformation potential scattering when the temperature is higher. 高温区,电子霍耳迁移率则主要受谷间声子散射控制。
One problem in the Green function method of potential scattering 量子力学势散射的格林函数方法中的一个问题
A model, which is called optical potential model of physics, for the scattering of electron by atomic oxygen, is discussed. 作者采用等效势方法讨论了电子被原子散射的物理模型。
The interaction potential effect on scattering cross section HCl-He相互作用势及碰撞截面的理论计算
The absolute differential cross sections of e-Ar scattering in the laser are calculated employing the second Born approximation with optical potential model in special scattering geometry that the incident electron beam is parallel to the polarization direction of laser field. 应用第二玻恩近似理论,在电子入射方向平行于激光场的极化方向这种特殊的散射模式下,利用光学型对激光场中电子氩原子散射进行了研究。
The resonance theory of potential scattering by s-wave neutron S波中子势散射的共振理论
A new model potential is used for the electron scattering by helium atoms at low incident energies. 对电子与氦原子相互作用的模型势进行了修正。
The potential model in the process of electron scattering from atoms and molecules 电子-原子、分子散射过程中的势模型
Optical tweezers is the optical potential basing on the interaction between the scattering force and the gradient force, and can control micro-particles ranging in size from tens of nanometers to tens of micrometers. 光镊实质上是基于散射力和梯度力相互作用而形成的能够控制从几十纳米到几十微米微粒的势阱。
The importance of exchange potential in the scattering process is given for the first time. And the followings are the conclusions. ( a) The optical potential model can preferably describe the atomic potential in a laser. 首次提出了交换效应在散射过程中的重要性,并从计算结果得出了以下结论:(a)光学势模型能够较好地描述激光场中原子势场。